Lockdown Day 87 – Blessings

One receives so much and yet we tend to forget to say thank you ???? in prayer to GOD. The abundance of energy is available at all times. We just need to appreciate all we receive.
With love ???? S.

????❄️It is not spiritual practise that changes the world we live in. Committed spiritual work re-wires the brain – changes tour level of conciousness – which changes the way that we experience and engage with the same world.❄️????

Lockdown Day 86 – Lemons ????

The hail storm damaged the plants and looks like the cucumbers ???? are cut back to the ground!

Made me think of the old saying.
When life gives you lemons ???? one should drink ???? more Tequila ????????????

It is the cycle of life, sometimes up other times less bright. Like the plants ???? one should take a downer in the flow and just focus on the new direction!

❄️Everything changes ALL the time – ALWAYS in the process of creation. It means that everything is an expression of Divinity, or it would not have the capacity to exist. The realization that everything that exists reflects the Divinity of Creation is why it is worthy of respect. Differently stated: There has to be respect for the existence of “self” before there can be respect for the divinity of all of creation. The one can not exist without the other. ❄️????

Lockdown Day 85 – Just let go!

Somethings in life just ain’t worthy to hold on to, some is so precious and others very emotional.
All of this doesn’t matter if it no longer serves, just let go…
With love ???? S.

The morning after!!! ????⛈❄️

????❄️What is the benefit of learning spiritual teachings that seems incomprehensible at the time? They only seem unknown to the intellect. They plant the seed, which will take life when the student’s level of consciousness allows it. Furthermore the student’s energy absorbes the transmitted energy field of the teacher and this exposure benefits the student level of consciousness unknowingly. Exposure to higher consciousness awakens the Self as certain information is transformation in itself. Once a person has heard of the Truth of Self-realization, she/he will never be satisfied with anything less, even though it may take lifetimes to be fully alive.❄️????

Lockdown Day 84 – Barrier to entry

One has the advantage of decision making! If the answer you receive is “no”… the person communicating may be saying “know”….
Meaning they require more information ℹ️ before they want to say yes!
Persistence is required to understand what additional information will open the barrier to entry.
With love ???? S.

❄️????Good personhood – striving for a perfect personality – is commendable but does not in itself result in human life’s highest potential: Self-realization. The idea of a “good” person often becomes an obstacle on the inner path simply because it reinforces duality/ egoic consciousness: good versus bad or right versus wrong. The inner path indicates that as much as duality is an illusion, there is no point in trying to perfect it, it needs to be transcended. Self-realization becomes a possibility through self-awareness and honesty and not through trying or pretending to be a “good” person. There is no such thing as a perfect person. ❄️????

Except ????Chuck Norris????… enjoy an awesome day this season has its own beauty! Live and enjoy the moment ????

A hail storm ⛈ of note in Nelspruit on 18 June 2020!
I am sure it is something for the records!

Lockdown Day 83

Wow rain ???? in June, that is new to me!!! ????????????
With love ???? S.

❄️????Inner peace comes as the infallible result of great acceptances and great humilities. Not trying to make ourselves this or that, but surrendering ourselves to the fullness of the human experience. The up’s and the downs, the summers and the winters.❄️????