Lockdown Day 77

Lockdown Day 77

In the multiverse our world ???? is insignificant small. Yet our everything is linked to this spec of energy. The Blue Planet ???? our care taker our guardian.

Sometimes one feels insignificant and then you need to stop and look upwards.
You are the most significant being in your world and touching numerous lives without realizing this! You are a protector. You are a giver. You are desired. You are loved and you are giving love ❤️!

You are by far the most amazing ???? awesome ???? person in your multiverse.
You are in control!

With love ???? S.

Some stunning pictures to share from various contributors! Thank you all.

Lockdown Day 76

Lockdown Day 76

Freedom… what does this mean to you?

????????Life/God is Love, Compassion, Kindness, and Joy at the very center of your Being. It does not recognize the so called limitations of spacetime or egoic consciousness. It does not see the pride and need to control of the human race on the surface of a third planet from a little sun at the edge of of a small galaxy of an insignificant universe sandwiched for a moment between multiple trillions of other universes. It sees you as an expression, a reflection of Itself. And allows you absolute freedom to do as you wish, except to die. ????????

Lockdown Day 75 – Dream

Lockdown Day 75 – Dream

What ever the mind conceive and the heart ???? believe one can achieve!

With love ???? S.

????????In the uncertain and chaotic times that we are living right now we have to be open to expect that which we cant even imagine will happen. We have to learn to live with insecurity and the unknown. We do that by living here and now. By simply being HERE. Through discovery inner peace – that which is not affected by outer circumstances at all. IT IS TIME FOR A NEW BEGINNING.????????

Lockdown Day 74

????????You do not need to know about the future. You are automatically guided by Life Itself and wherever it takes you is where you need to be. Can you trust Life?????????

Something happened this weekend that reminded me of this…

One Shaolin monk said: “I’m not afraid of your 10,000 punches, that you practiced a few times. I’m afraid of your one punch, that you practiced 10,000 times.”

Then he went on explaining how the secret is in the basics.

How my aim should be to master the basics.

Students of life though, their biggest enemy is their thinking that they already got it.

“Enough with the basics, give me the advanced stuff!”

They want more growth and expansion, they want to build themselves up to bigger and higher levels.

And yet… if they build it on a weak, or small foundation, how long before the whole structure collapses?

Basics, core understanding of how life works, how our brain works, how our thoughts affect us, what creates results in our lives, what emotions are… is the foundation in our case.

From: Robert Simic

Awesome Nelspruit

Falkirk USA ???????? North Dakota

Lockdown Day 73

????????How many lives on the planet? How many lives in the universe? ONE. So, whatever you see or experience can only be yourself – without fail.????????

Daily fun…. shared???????? Chef Prinsloo enjoying a break after a demanding day in the kitchen!
