Lockdown Day 72

Thank you ???? We are accepting the blessings that are endowed upon us. Use energy wisely.
Love ???? S.
????????All the events, people, relationships, of your life, are there because you have drawn them there through your level of consciousness. What you do with them will also depend on your level of consciousness. So, can anything in life be more important than to live with the highest level of awareness: To simply be HERE, NOW? To see is to be free.????????
????????Whether you choose the road to hell or heaven, Existence clears the way and allows you to proceed. To live is an expression of Existence, to die is an expression too, ALL “choices” are expressions of Existence. The more aware one is, the more one’s choices lead to peace and flow, and the more unaware one is, the more one’s choices will perpetuate suffering. In every moment there is a focus point, a choice to be made. What determines what one will choose, is determined by one’s level of consciousness. Beyond egoic consciousness there is the realization that there is no “I, or me” that chooses, but simply Life living Itself in Itself. ????????
Cheat code!!! 8 pictures for 8 days all at the same time… ????????????????
None, nada, no one, not even you, saw the daily status!
What went wrong yesterday?!
????????It often takes many years to discover that the effort to “fix” oneself is an endless task that leads to nowhere. In this process one discovers that there is NOTHING to get rid of at all. Instead one has to SEE, embrace, accept and the “self” as a part of the unfolding of consciousness. As one matures spiritually, one discovers that one is not the past/lifestory, the body, mind, role or personality. One is that in which all of these appear. What one REALLY is, cannot be named or labeled: I Am????????
Did you make a difference in someone’s life yesterday?
Did you laugh?
Are you the change you want to see in the world?
At www.ineuniverse.com we have a set of tools to download for assistance!
Get your unique download today!
Have an awesome experience!
With love ???? S.
????????Life is a constant re-birth. Every moment it dies, every moment it is born. In every moment there is the opportunity and potential to begin again:To wake up from the pain and suffering of the ego-mind. To wake up to what is Real. ????????
We are the fortunate ones!
Dankie Alta.
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