Lockdown Day 122 – Gratitude

We are blessed this day to awake and experience a changing world. Never will the past way of living be normal. The new normal is today. Embrace it and be thankful for the different opportunities that are opening up. Celebrate ???? live.

With love ???? S.

Having a 21st and finding different ways of celebrating ???? is part of todays challenge, in this changing world ???? … there is just one rule…. let’s make it fun ???????????????????? wish that each of you receivers could have joined us on this glorious day for my son’s 21st. ????????????This journey started 21 years and 9 months ago???????????????????? Now we give him the traditional key as adult to embrace and follow his path into a wonderful new way of live! With love to all feel the energy and know that there is GOOD ???????? in this world ????

Lockdown Day 121 – Why?

In these changing times there is more and more pressure on one to remain relevant. Even if it is only in your own micro cosmos. Having dreams, plans and goals is awesome ???? and ultimately very important. But, do you have a clearly defined why? Why do you get up, get ready and face the daily demands that the curve ball ???? life throws at one ☝️? To the fortunate one’s that has the answer, Our applause and we celebrate ???? with you! ???? To the seekers, the one’s that only amble through each day, feeling overwhelmed and directionless… there is an outcome. One can thrive and change the path you are following. At www.ineuniverse.com we offer subliminal music entrainment products that has assisted multiple people with clarity on their…WHY!???? Grab a freebie today!

With love ???? S.
ps. Why?

????????Watch the waves in the ocean. The higher the wave goes, the deeper the the wake that follows. That is the very nature of life. The one moment it is up, the next moment it is in hollow wake that follows. Most people only want to experience the peaks in life but not the valleys. Realize that it is not possible. It has never happened and it will never happened. It is not the nature of life. Then what to do? Enjoy, be grateful, and celebrate the peaks. Enjoy, be grateful, and celebrate the valleys. Because in every valley there is a teacher, an opportunity to grow, to wake up to your essential nature: Peace, Love, Compassion, Kindness. Joy.????????

Lockdown Day 120 – Self Education

What did you learn yesterday! No matter the current circumstances, what are you studying and qualifying yourself with during this time? One has so much opportunities to make a difference and knowledge is power, how does one enhance that energy and channel it optimally to achieve the desired outcome!?
However you do it we provide a support tool in subliminal audio to do enhancement of your focus and channeling energy with brain entrainment sounds. Be the difference in your own world ???? grab your download today!

With love ???? S.

????????Watch the waves in the ocean. The higher the wave goes, the deeper the the wake that follows. That is the very nature of life. The one moment it is up, the next moment it is in hollow wake that follows. Most people only want to experience the peaks in life but not the valleys. Realize that it is not possible. It has never happened and it will never happened. It is not the nature of life. Then what to do? Enjoy, be grateful, and celebrate the peaks. Enjoy, be grateful, and celebrate the valleys. Because in every valley there is a teacher, an opportunity to grow, to wake up to your essential nature: Peace, Love, Compassion, Kindness. Joy.????????

Lockdown Day 119 – Thoughts

Thoughts become things! As one thinketh and dwell upon one achieves. Be aware of where your mind wanders… You are in control of your programming and you allow/decide to live within an active or reactive state of mind. Assisting with programming, ineuniverse offers various categories of products in 4 types of background sound. If you spend a moment in time go listen ???? and download your subconscious entrainment audio clip. The results of daily listening is fundamental in reprogramming active outcomes!

Use the free promotional gift ???? as a tester! With love ???? S.

❄️????When aware there is no doer. When unaware there is a doer. When unaware there is anxiety, tension, stress, anguish – living a reality of uncertainty – and believing that it is true. When aware there is the knowing that Life lives Itself – Life IS happening spontaneous. There is no need for any inner struggle or effort – there is no need to fight for anything. There is an availability to what ever Life brings. In every moment there is the awareness that everything is in place. This is what needs to be experienced right now. What reflection, what teacher is available in this moment ? What do I need to wake up to in this moment?❄️????

Lockdown Day 118 – Magnetism

One ☝️of the laws of attraction states that, what one resonates with you will attract! Another is stating that, you become similar to the 5 people you are regularly in contact with! Now look at your life, if you are content great ???? , then you do not need advise. YOU CAN STOP ???? HERE. If however you are in doubt, feeling depressed or just generally not happy ???? there could be a different outcome, you decide! Remember there ain’t no right or wrong, it all is only experience. Clearly define your alternative outcomes, dedicate your focus and you can manifest a desired outcome. Using an audio script from www.ineuniverse.com will not only assist you with the transformation, it can also benefit those you associate yourself with. There is a promotional self improvement script with your name on it! Get it TODAY, experience another version of you!

With love ???? S.

❄️????If you have found inner peace, you have found Truth. In Truth there is the realization that Life itself expresses as you. – and everything else in Creation. When you open your eyes, it is Life opening it’s eyes. When you close your eyes, it is Life closing it’s eyes. Whatever you “think” you are doing is being done by Life. Life happens automatically. It is only in egoic- conscious (personhood)that the ego takes ownership. When free from ownership/identification, life becomes a prayer without words, grace. There is the realization that ALL ALONG Life has been living itself. Only the illusions of the ego made it personal. ❄️????