Lockdown Day 132 – Companionship and compatibility

The mere nature of human kind is to seek companionship. Wars have been fought, over the desire for companionship. As we know history is written by the winner…. ???????????? (his story). More often than not in these type of relationships/ companionship, there is a lack of compatibility. Initially, driven by desire and lust, individuals will discard the sense of “knowing” the relationship is not right. This in turn is driven by a fear of loss or being lonely. Once in a relationship the shine starts wearing off. The compatibility issue then becomes the focus. At this time in relationships one has to dig deep in to the soul to again engage the passions that drove one into the current situation! The answers are with in.

With love ???? S.

@ www.ineuniverse.com our coaching staff is available to guide individuals to find the answers within! Speak to you soon. #companionship


Today I am, blessed with His Grace and thankful for waking up to experience His Glory. It is awesome ???? knowing each one of us has unlimited abundance available now. Embrace your internal spirit abundance and live the life of your dreams!

????????How do we live constructively in times of chaos? We learn to live with insecurity. The only sustainable security we as humans can muster is the ability to accept, adapt and flow with life. This is not a passive acceptance or withdrawl, but an active knowing and recognition of the very nature of creation and a willingness to participate and actively work and contribute to it. It means that we learn to ask: What does this moment, this situation ask of me? Namaste.????????

Lockdown Day 131 – Choices

Everything requires us to make choices. Some are easy as we have engrained it in our daily routine and it has become habitual. Some require more attention, sometimes we could feel overwhelmed with all the information that is available to make the decision between different choices for a situation. However, we remain responsible. With sub-concious mind stimulation training, one can be more prepared to view the decision from a different perspective when faced with making a choice. Letting go of the old / same way of doing things become easier with brain entrainment. See the range of tools ⚒ available at www.ineuniverse.com

With love ???? S.

Lockdown Day 130 – Pacing

Pacing, life moves along whether one is participating or observing. With clear and defined written goals one’s desired outcomes can be achieved. By pacing oneself and systematically working towards the outcome everything is possible.

With love ???? S.

????????When fully aware, the mind, the body, personality and life roles are experienced as a garment. When unaware we are identified with them, so much so that we believe that is who we are. If the body is beautiful we believe that we are beautiful. If the body is not beautiful we believe that we are not attractive – and we suffer. We play certain roles in life: parent,athlete, artist, teacher, friend etc – and we believe that is who we are. This identification is so strong and so deep that the garment we are wearing ceases to be a garment. This identification is the source of all separation and suffering. We are so much more. We are Life Itself.????????????

Lockdown Day 129 – No regrets

No regrets, I make decisions and live with the consequences. This is not about right or wrong…. this just is! Self actualization audioclips to assist the process now available on the website!!!!

With love ???? S.

Lockdown Day 128 – Let go

Letting go is not giving up. It is just following a different path with a alternative outcome.???? Let go and let GOD have HIS wonderful way!

With love ???? S.

❄️????The dedicated spiritual student soon discovers that the intellect can take one only to a certain point.  It becomes clear that spiritual insights and wisdom should therefore not be given to the intellect but given to the heart. Then when the readiness is there it will blossom in it’s own time. ❄️????