Lockdown Day 62 – Uplifting motivational activity

Lockdown Day 62 – Uplifting motivational activity

At INEUNIVERSE we aim to provide a platform where YOU have an exciting experience and an adventure into the changing TIMES we live in!
Today, YOU are acknowledged as officially being awesome!
If you are feeling down, blue or straight out depressed…. take action and download a Positive Self Image with Silent Sound on the website www.ineuniverse.com

With love ???? S.

Offer valid today only!
Get a 100% refund on the download of your choice!
A gift ???? and you get to keep the audio!

????????At the root of every thought, there is judgment to either secure or defend yourself. Observe your thoughts and discover it for yourself.????????

You decide! Give up or stand up!

Lockdown Day 61 – Accepting GRACE in our humble energy!

Lockdown Day 61 – Accepting GRACE in our humble energy!

Profound results from the audio download. It is exciting to get the success feedback from all that participated! We are extraordinarily blessed! I value you and realize the energy and effort you put in! Thank you ???? To those still deciding…. the time is NOW!!! With love ???? S

????????In Reality problems do not exist. A problem is the value that is given to a situation, a projection from a consciousness of ignorance or unawareness. What value will you give today and every moment of it: That life is a privilege and a miracle, an opportunity to grow OR difficult, unfair and a struggle? Your level of consciousness will be the deciding factor.????????

Lockdown Day 60 – Habitual synchronization

Lockdown Day 60 – Habitual synchronization

We create new habits with our daily activity. Our decisions and choices determine the future results. Commitment to stay the path during the life cycle / periods of change define our outcome! How is your vision board project going? Describe in a short paragraph the benefits you are experiencing from your audio download! With abundant energy, love ???? S.

????????Suffering does not exist anywhere in creation but in the human ego- mind. Why? THE OUTER WORLD ALWAYS REFLECTS THE INNER WORLD. When one relates to life through the ego-mind one cannot see life as it IS ; you see life as you are. WITHOUT FAIL ONE CAN ONLY SEE ONESELF. ????????

Lockdown Day 59 – Sharing

Lockdown Day 59 – Sharing

Wow ???? exciting and the pictures are streaming in!
You are awesome, great to experience the synchronicity.

Enjoy a fabulous time and live with love ???? S.

Not sure of what to do??? Let your creativity go and go wild ????!

I am not sure that I’ll be doing this everyday fo 7 days but lets go!!!!

????????Seasons come and go, people come and go, situations (lock-down) come and go, moments come and go. So there is no sense in holding on to ANYTHING. What does make sense is to fully be available to every moment, every situation, every person. To be AVAILABLE to ALL of LIFE, irrespective of what it brings. How available are you?????????

Lockdown Day 58 – Cuddles

How about a 7 day challenge! Will you participate!?

The idea is to create a routine! A bit of dissipline in doing the same thing at the same time each morning!!!

It will be a lot if fun and challenging, as you will have freedom to do what you want to!!!!


  1. At 07:00 every morning take a picture, 2. Do this every morning for 7 days, 3. The subject is of your choice, probably not an animal, as you cannot depend on them being always there, 4. Send it to me via WhatsApp and We’ll Blog it, 5. Just have some fun!!!

Remember to continue your audio and experience the growing “seeds” keep up your breathing exercise and maintain the fun!

With love ???? S.