Lockdown Day 117 – Dieting

No, I am not saying weight loss or starvation instead I am talking about a balanced diet. Following a pre-planned well-portioned diet will assist in that but there is so much more. A balanced diet will enhance your energy levels and the health benefits will be an awesome surprise! Suggestions on a specific type of diet are available all over. At www.ineuniverse.com our suggestion is a combination of brain entrainment exercise and dieting. Follow a 30-day ritual and combine the diet with physical exercise and an audio download on dieting. Your pleasant surprise from the experience will setup sub-conscious neuro pathways that will assist in you being a force to be reckoned with???????????? . Do you require assistance, feel free to contact us on a journey of self-discovery. You are a winner ACT now!

With love ???? S.

❄️????The only way to truly be one with existence is to go inwards, because at your very center there in ONENESS. You cannot be truly connected by going outwards. That is the way of the mind. As long as there is preferential or selective connectedness – nature, a lifestyle, people, culture, etc. – it comes from the ego-mind. Realize this today: Your oneness or connectedness with Life is through consciousness. You cannot claim it, own it, choose it. IT IS. But for most people it is not reality. They cannot SEE it. So one has to go inwards. One has to discover through awareness, through witnessing that there is only ONE. That ALL in creation is connected. It has to become you reality, your way of life – it cannot just remain information or knowledge. That is Self-Realization:BEING ONE. BEING LOVE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, JOY. ❄️????

Lockdown Day 116 – Daily confirmation

Clarify your personal goals, this is best done by writing it down in your journal ????. Now take some fun time and create affirmations/ positive statements on your goals. These are short statements and starting with “I am…” As an example…! ????
I am happy, healthy and healed. I am focussed, receive abundant energy everyday. I am sharing and providing solutions to friends and family. I am awesome and I am blessed.
Your affirmations can be authentic and your own. Remember to use your own goals. Also confirm the affirmations as if you already are in possession of it.
Now take 10 minutes before you fall asleep ???? and 10 as you wake up to confirm your daily routine.

With love ???? S.

❄️????Realize that you HAVE a life story but you are not it. To awaken to a life without suffering you have to let go of your story. Stepping out of the past and your identification with it as “me” starts by choosing to take total and complete responsibility for your reality. You have to realize that every painful event of your life has brought you blessings – that they were teachers on the path to waking up. Realize that outside your story there is an alternative reality of inner peace, love, compassion, kindness and joy. That is your original essence. You are That.????????

Lockdown Day 115 – Doubt

One often find yourself in situations where doubts rule. This is a reality when our ambitions conflicts the ecologic nature! Affirmations and continued repetition of our affirmations is a method to release the doubt and fear we face. Today live in the moment and awareness that one already have everything one wants!

Repetition is the way we teach our subconscious mind, listen daily to your download from www.ineuniverse.com and experience the change. Your feedback in the next 30 days will be awesome.

With love ???? S.

Lockdown Day 114 – History

We all know it is written by the winner, don’t we? His story is purely a view that is recorded with a lens and with certain filters. Depending on your position during the event you have a view. 5 persons seeing the same event may well record 5 different versions of His Story. You are unique, Thrive in that knowledge. Build courage and enhance your story. Remember you are awesome… with all my heart ♥️ write His Story.

With love ???? S.

❄️????When in egoic-consciousness guidance is looked for outside. In books, teachers, family, friends, etc. Turning within one discovers that there is an inner guide – a witness. In Sanskrit it is referred to as dharma – the intrinsic god -essence. This is done through living with awareness and daily spiritual practise. Awareness is like light that one brings into a dark room. In the beginning just like a small candle – but it still disperses the dark. And once there is a candle the discovery begins. One begins to see what is authentic and what is projected/illusion. In the process inner guidance emerges and one starts living from the very center of Life. If you go with it, this light will carry you exactly where you need to be.❄️????

Lockdown Day 113 – Information

What a small world ???? we live in, within the multiverse. Yet what a huge expanse is there between partners?
With information freely available on the web, this world seems to have pulled close, and yet with all the fake news it feels like… the times of the tower of Babel. Is the current world situation being used to condition the masses to conform to the new ways of communicating and receiving information ℹ️? Are we subject to anew world order of dictatorship? These are current and burning questions… At ineuniverse we offer a product that allows YOUR subconscious to awaken the abundance available in these turbulent times and assist your conscious mind to sift through the white noise in an organized manner! See the woods from the trees ????. Get the self-improvement script for free… and see how much more is on offer. www.ineuniverse.com. With

Love ???? S.

❄️????The Inner Path’s greatest contribution is providing an alternative to a life of suffering. Everything that exists around us is a creation of egoic-consciousness. The Inner Path is an opportunity to drop out of a chaotic world. To learn to live WITH it instead of IN it. In doing so we become free and able to start manifesting a different way of life, a different world. A world in which love, compassion and kindness will be the very core of society. This is the greatest contribution we can make in our life time.❄️????