Lockdown Day 112 – Did you see it? How will you know you achieved it?

Journal. When one keeps a close record from beginning to end on your projects, one is able to clearly define the desired outcomes in the beginning. As the process flows one is able to measure the smaller steps achieved. In journaling the daily activity a clear record emerges. In return, one is able too “see” clearly the result and adjust the activity to pull back in-line with the desired outcomes. Having an end goal ???? defined, combined with measured activity is a way to confirm that you achieved the planned outcome.

With love ???? S.

To everyone enjoying a break in the heatwave ????????????????????

 ❄️????If you drop ALL knowledge borrowed from others, including your name and identity, there will be a totally different quality to your being – innocence. The death of the ego-mind, the persona and separate existence. The innocence of life lived without the past. Lived fully with the quality of acceptance, flow and wisdom of the ever-changing wonder of Life.????⛄

Lockdown Day 111 – A Nelson

In cricket ???? this is a superstition, now it is said, is a difficult time for the batsmen. Maybe it is or not, but now it is required to calmly keep your attention on the desired outcome!

Your special gift ????????????

????????”The old world is dying and the new world is struggling to be born: Now is the time for monsters”. The writer and philosopher Antonio Gramsci (2010) emphasized and echoed the visions and foresight of many wise ones who came before us. The  “Time of Monsters” is certainly evident in the extreme conditions prevailing on Earth on so many levels right now. The purpose of all of this: CHANGE. Humanity is discovering that the “outer world” no longer provides security and stability. Everything is changing all the time – now faster than ever before. Our work as spiritual students: To discover that which never changes within. To discover that Life lives Itself. All is one ☝️ in GOD the Creator ????????

❄️????What are the qualities of awareness? Watchful, alert, joyous, available, engaged, centered, loving, flowing, one walks, sits, works, plays. The essence is being at ease,here and now. Do whatever you are doing, but at the deepest core  remain at ease, calm, centered.❄️????

Lockdown Day 110 – Detox

Our bodies are very good in letting us know it is time to clean up ???? and heal. This comes in many forms and shapes. From a common cold to much more severe illness. The way to heal is often and in more than 85 % of the cases reactive. Imagine one lived with awareness and a plan for diet (life long plan) as well as adding all the supplements and vitamins from a young age…. would one’s health be better off. ???? www.ineuniverse.com offers these type of additives to assist us in the process of healing mentally. Using the various subjects one now gets the chance to detox the mind and load powerful affirmations ???? to help one’s state of mind to act less reactive in times of stress but coordinated and solutions orientated!

The continued use of positive affirmations is an elixir during difficult times, visit our site and view the different products, listen to the demo audio clips do a pdf download and read the affirmations…. get your free download and join us o the path of mental detoxification….

With love ???? S.

❄️????The mind can never be intelligent. Only no-mind is original, intelligent and wise. The mind is simply a projection of the past or future. The mind cannot be here and now. It cannot see Reality. What it sees is always a very “personal” interpretation of what is. So, when in the mind, life is very limited. The flame of life is very dim. Once the mind is observed it starts losing momentum and the flame of life emerges – clean, clear, alive, innocent. Life BECOMES a flame, a flame that exposes WHAT IS. That is what awareness is.❄️????

Lockdown Day 109 – Relevance

How are you coping with the times we are living in? Have you reinvented your work, home or personal situation! Are you doing things the same way as in the past or did you have to adapt to the new ways?
Whatever happened, do you feel you are being the ultimate best you, that you can be?

With love ???? S.

❄️????When is one ready to enter friendliness instead of friendship, relatedness instead of relationship? *_When_* *__the__* *_fear_* *_of_* *_being_* *_alone_* *_is_* *_transcended_* . When one is no longer interested in the dramas that come with relationships. It is not a loss. It is the birth of a higher level of consciousness born out of the fullness of the here and now. There is no urgency about the connection,no neediness, no desire to change the other into something else.It is the birth of a love that is truly unconditional without expectation or demand.❄️????

Lockdown Day 108 – Intentions

Often one starts with a new project. All the intentions are there to see the project through. But sometimes, somewhere, somehow we lose the drive to complete the project.
Using an audio download clip one has a list of tools available to support the clearly defined dream to finalize and complete the intended purpose!
Enjoy ???? your audio and achieve your desired outcome!
Now free on the website get your gift ????.
If you did the download, please share your experience during the download process with me!!!
With love ???? S.

❄️????Information, thoughts, borrowed knowledge, words, memories, opinions – do not take it on as TRUTH. You have to find your source. You have to find your inner most Truth. You have to burn with intense passion for freedom from suffering to find eternal inner peace, contentment, love, compassion, and joy. ❄️????????